Category Archives: Artist Statements

Hybrid Project: Statement


Title: Real Moment, Embellished

Lying in the bath tub is one of the best places for me to think.


Apologies for the lateness of the statement.  It is very short because I don’t think it needs to be any longer.

I submitted two videos, the clip for the crit, but the longer work is the full piece.  I have to mention that, although I submitted the longer version, I am not completely happy with it (as there are a few places that need to be fixed), but I did not have time to finish it perfectly, especially with a 2 1/2 hour render time.  I intend to fix it over the break.


Lightbox Statement Comments/ Edits

I realized yesterday that there are a few things I should have acknowledged in my artist statement, when I was talking about the lightbox.  For instance, the fact that it is a lightbox, a digital image on a lightbox, not an object.  For that reason, I would like to add to my artist statement, modify it slightly.


Artist Statement: Talisman

This object is a collection of trinkets from my life, a talisman of sorts. It has no real value, other than sentimentally, even to me. It exists as a catalogue of memories- happy, sad, humourous, bittersweet, naïve, distant and ongoing. The objects are cheap, simply stand-ins for people I’ve known, places I’ve been, lessons learned, moments in time. They are connected in the chain, making up small parts of the larger whole, my life. They are intertwined, unable to be separated, non linear, like the memories within my brain. They are things I’ve made, things I’ve earned, things I’ve picked up, and things I’ve stolen. Everything has a story, a bit of significance in my life. Not a large significance, however- the real significance is the way the moments add up, to make me who I am today. Through these objects, I remember my Oma, my first boyfriend, my childhood best friends, our Japanese exchange students, the kids I used to babysit. I remember the summer I learned to whittle, getting my ears pierced, my first day of college, how lonely I was in Montreal, a trip to Santa Fe. It’s a map of where I’ve been.

The lightbox shows more of my personality than my history.  I am documenter, collector, archiver.  Anthropologist. Shedding light on the image allows me to examine it. Using my own writing, I am cataloguing my collection, my experiences.  Whether it’s legible or not is not important- the act of writing gives it a place, a context, a home, if only in my mind.


Lightbox Artist Statement

JAKkermans_lightbox talisman_blog


This object is a collection of trinkets from my life, a talisman of sorts. It has no real value, other than sentimentally, even to me. It exists as a catalogue of memories- happy, sad, humourous, bittersweet, naïve, distant and ongoing. The objects are cheap, simply stand-ins for people I’ve known, places I’ve been, lessons learned, moments in time. They are connected in the chain, making up small parts of the larger whole, my life. They are intertwined, unable to be separated, non linear, like the memories within my brain. They are things I’ve made, things I’ve earned, things I’ve picked up, and things I’ve stolen. Everything has a story, a bit of significance in my life. Not a large significance, however- the real significance is the way the moments add up, to make me who I am today. Through these objects, I remember my Oma, my first boyfriend, my childhood best friends, our Japanese exchange students, the kids I used to babysit. I remember the summer I learned to whittle, getting my ears pierced, my first day of college, how lonely I was in Montreal, a trip to Santa Fe. It’s a map of where I’ve been.

GIF Project – Artist Statement

Title: 3:15 AM

As a lone woman in this day and age, there are some very real or possibly imagined fears that we have to deal with in our daily lives. Something as simple as getting yourself home after a night out with friends presents potentially dangerous situations. Every woman has had instances like this- ominous, hyper-real situations, where you aren’t sure if the threat is real, something you have imagined, or a direct result of the fear-filled media barrage of terrible things that happen in the world, which we are now subjected to on a constant basis.

Maybe when my computer is better, I’ll actually post (a version) of the GIF.